Sunday, February 14, 2021

Path To a Debt Free Life

I've said it so many times before that this is going to be my year.  Maybe I say that it's my year to get the house organized (get rid of clutter). Or my year to lose weight.  I've had a year where I was training for a half marathon. And a lot of other years!

This year is different thought.  This year I'm working on building up our savings and paying down our debt. This is so much bigger than anything that I've tried to do before. By building up our savings and paying down our debt, I'm helping to get rid of some anxiety.

The anxiety that happens every time I get ready to pay our bills.  Every time that I look at the checking account balance and wonder if we have enough to pay the bills. Every time that I have to transfer from our savings to ensure there's enough in checking to cover a bill. 

Have you or do you currently have anxiety when paying your bills?  I do.  And I'm sick of not being in charge of our money.  

THIS is the year that I'm going to be the boss of my money.  I'm going to tell the money where to go.  I'm going to lower my anxiety and fears about money.  THIS is my year.

To help ensure that things are going to go well and to keep me motivated, I created a chart for our savings and our debt.  The charts are set up where I take the amount that I want to save or the total debt and split it into 50 smaller amounts.  Then I can decide if I'm saving weekly or monthly.  I write out the amounts that I'm saving up for and color in each section as I hit my goal.  It may seem simple but there's something really special about seeing my progress as it's made.

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