Sunday, December 23, 2012

Low Protein Sugar Cookie Cut Outs

     To get ready for Christmas, we made a bunch of cookies...chocolate chip, peanut butter, sugar, fudge, and covered Oreos.  Lily couldn't eat any of these, so we needed to make some for her.  We now have a counter full of cookies!  The sugar cookies were cut out ones that we could decorate. 

     Since we'd be decorating ours with frosting, Lily needed some fun ones too.  We decided to use the box of Maddy's Sugar Cookie Mix.  They're super easy to make...just add water and vegetable oil.  These are a great cookie to make up when you're running low on ingredients, time, and/or patience! 

     In order to make them into cut out cookies, we mixed it up like the directions stated.  I then put the mix in the fridge for about 20 minutes.  This would help us to cut the cookies out, without the dough being too soft.  After the dough was cold, I took it out and began to roll it with a rolling pin.  In order to keep the dough from sticking to the pin, I put powdered sugar on the counter and the pin.  With regular cookies, I use flour, but with the powdered sugar, I don't need to worry about extra phe!  The sugar cookies are 1.3 phe/gram.

     Once we got the dough rolled out to about 1/4 inch, Lily used the cut outs.  She had so much fun making the shapes.  I then put them in the oven and kept checking on them.  Since the cookies were thinner, they didn't need to be in the oven as long.  They ended up cooking for about 10-12 minutes at 375.
     The next day, we decorated the cookies with all of the cousins.  Grandma picked up Pillsbury Vanilla frosting for Lily to use, which is 0 phe.  Lily also used colored sugar to decorate the cookies.  Lily had a blast decorating the cookies, but the best part was...eating them!

LSP Signature

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